Last Saturday, January 13th, 2024, I finished the first draft of my next story, THE DEMONS OF GREEN LAKE, ending the Monsters of Green Lake series.  The first draft was 23,652 words; I did 2502 words that day.


With that done, I’m taking this week to republish the last of my collections in mass market paperback size, starting this morning with LOVE JONES, then tomorrow will be SO QUAKE WITH FEAR, YOU TINY FOOLS!, followed by POWER & THE GRAVY on Thursday and WELCOME TO THE TRUST on Friday.


I don’t think I’m going to get right into the edits on DEMONS just yet.  I already know the ending needs to be rewritten.  Not that the ending I have is bad, it’s the way the story always ended.  I just know it’s very badly written.  It was getting late in the day on Saturday and I’d been at it for several hours already and just wanted to enjoy some of my rare Saturday off with Kara, so I might have sort of maybe rushed through the writing of the epilogue.  Hell, I forgot to even label in an epilogue, now that I think about it.


I need to let what I have written marinate just a little longer before I try to go back and tackle it, so next week will, most likely, be more reformatting for mass market paperback sizes.


I’ve also been thinking lately of going back to Amazon Exclusive.  While it’s not hurting anything having the books up on Smashwords and Draft2Digital and Barnes and Noble and Kobo, I can’t really see where it’s helping, either.  Since I started putting things back up on those sites last year—a process I never finished, there’s just so damn many titles, and I had things I needed to write—I haven’t sold a single book on Barnes and Noble or Kobo, and my sales on Smashwords and Draft2Digital, combined, would probably be less than $10 a month, so why am I bothering, other than the CHANCE at exposure.  Honestly, I get more exposure making something free for a few days every couple of months.


Yesterday, I unpublished everything from Smashwords, except PINK JELLYBUG MINK and CUNT, the two books that have always been exclusive to Smashwords.  I may take the rest of this week, after I’ve done that day’s book, to go through the other sites and remove my stuff.


And then I have to go through and make everything Exclusive again on Amazon.  I need a 40-hour day!


(photo by Mohamed_hassan at

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